Our Community

Operation Rolling Turkey

Venue Name

Chase Center on the Riverfront

Contribution by

James Berman



Area of sustainability (i.e. food waste, single use plastics)

Community giving

Project summary

In all, we provided about 50 meals for friends in the neighborhood, including city police that found themselves with all the restaurants in the area closed. The remaining food went on to the Sunday Breakfast Mission to help them with their meals, as well.

Detail of project

In all, we provided about 50 meals for friends in the neighborhood, including city police that found themselves with all the restaurants in the area closed. The remaining food went on to the Sunday Breakfast Mission to help them with their meals, as well.

Companies or partners who contributed to the project

Many people were involved and gave freely of their time. Sodexo staff helped with prep; the Kapow Food Truck provided the wheels; the FoodBank of Delaware shared some food; Le Cavalier restaurant fed us dinner!; Becca Mathias donated her photo work; many friends helped along the way.

Meeting Professional Resources
